Shred Travel

“I’ve been lucky enough to have a life full of fun adventures and miss-adventures. I have told these stories around the campfire so many times that my wife can stand behind me and pantomime my every word.

I take requests like a second rate singer in a dive bar. My friends seem to like them and want to hear them over and over. For years they have suggested that I write them down, but there wasn’t a venue to present them. Now with the Infinity website, I can put them down for you to enjoy.

If you are anything like my friends, these stories are much better after 3 beers or 2 margaritas. There are about 25 stories that I intend to write, so if you run out, come back again and there will be more added periodically to this blog.  Some are better than others, but this is life no reality TV. These stories are not listed in time sequence, just in the order that I felt like writing them.”


Steve Boehne